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Our family at Horne Lake caves on Vancouver Island

Caving at Horne Lake

We are a family of five taking a year away to explore the world. As we make out way East we will embed ourselves in communities to volunteer our skills and support missionaries. In return our children will learn new perspectives, grow empathetic hearts, and an appreciation for the God’s creation in all its many forms,


We don’t really do souvenirs. I mean we haven’t yet. We just don’t have room in our packs to stock pile things other than memories. As souvenirs go though I think we found one worthy of space in our luggage. We blew our own glass cups. Kitengela is a unique hotshop that allows complete amateurs…

Luxor- December 14th- 15th

Luxor is the place to be when it comes to tombs. They still maintain their beautiful carvings and paintings even though most have been robbed of their silver, gold, gems, and mummies centuries ago. One gem we did find in Luxor was Mo our guide. He toured us through The Valley of the Kings, The…

Egypt December 12th and 13th

Day#2 Alexandria: We had an early morning pick up for trip to Alexandria. Our driver got us from hotel at 7:00 am! The three hour drive to Alexandria and back was like a day trip to Calgary. Not something we do often but we were emotionally prepared for how long it would take. The kids…

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