Dawa (Medicine)

In my time in Kijabe I have discovered that if you are feeling a little off, a little sick, there is no better place to be than a Kenyan café*. You will have easy access to DAWA! Dawa in Swahili means medicine and this drink will certainly help you heal.

Dawa, when served as a hot drink has all the natural comforting kick of ginger. Hidden in it are the healthful ingredients of cinnamon, lemon, and turmeric. Then you add a dollop of honey to all those spicy elements as if to pretend you can somehow calm the spiciness. 

I believe in the healing power of ginger. Back at home we’ve made ginger tea many times for any sickos in our family. It is a simple way to help fight illness. In the least it is a warm and comforting drink to help you get ready for bed.

Our ginger tea ingredients include the same main ingredients as dawa: ginger with honey and lemon. The ginger is sliced and left to steep in a teapot. Afterwards it goes into a mug where you add the honey and lemon. If you need a little help sleeping you could add a dram of Scotch. 

Dawa takes that same short list of ingredients perhaps a step too far by SHREDDING the ginger into a fine fiery pulp. It is boiled up to release its full potential and then strained to remove the pulp. The other ingredients are then add. The cloudy drink you are left with will “burn your gizzard” as Heather says.

Try it at your closest Kenyan restaurant or gather the ingredients and follow these instructions.

* Full disclosure I’ve only been in two Kenyan Cafés.

Kijabe Kahawa my favourite Kenyan Cafe ( I even have their shirt).

2 responses to “Dawa (Medicine)”

  1. Hopefully you are feeling better and everyone is well. Ginger is also good in cookies along with Kenyan coffee I hear.


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