Cerne Abbey Schedule

The Abbey is lovely and we’re feeling blessed to be here. It is our first experience and our host’s first experience as well. We’re working with her through it all to mold it into a great experience. 

One of the things we’re doing to help our kids have a great experience is keeping them settled with a schedule. We did this during the first lockdown of the pandemic to create a regular routine. It gives them comfort and helps them to know what is happening when. Also the kids need to be doing more than sleeping in or playing games from 8:30- 11:30 am. Those are the hours Heather and I are busy helping in the gardens.

It is now day 13 at the Abbey and we’ve settled in on this schedule. Some are better at following it than others.

7:45- We drag the kids out of bed and make sure they have fed themselves. All call for wake up, wash up, make beds and get dressed.

8:00- 8:30- Breakfast- Dishes in the dishwasher

Heather and I are then out the door to start gardening in the Abbey yard at 8:30. We work in the garden for three hours, five days a week then come in. While we’re working on the garden the children are (supposed to be) doing their schoolwork.

School Time:

8:45- Check Messages for assignments, Work on them, Message or come down to the gardens if you need help.

Mandatory Check-in:

Face to face check-in times with Dad are required by all to track progress, clear up misconceptions about the subject or the work they should be doing. In addition to these check in times I message them and get them to send me screen shots of their work.

9:45- Des

10:00- Madeline

10:15- Lydia

10:45- Des

11:00 Instrument Practice:

  1. Madeline- Abbots Porch
  2. Lydia- Abbey Guest House
  3. Desmond- Abbey

12:00 – Lunch

13:00- 14:00

1.  If the kids aren’t done their school work Dad helps them with it at this point. 


2. Free time!!!

Then in the afternoon we have activities out and about as a family. Lots of hiking, going to the local store, watching Harry Potter in the evening (cause we’re in England), or just reading and journalling.

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