Counting Down- Day 16 to day 12

On July 3rd Lydia printed off a bunch of sheets with “__ Days till we leave” on them. I’ve been using them to document on instagram our countdown until our year long trip around the world. Here are a few…

16 days until we leave: Preparing for London. Kew Gardens is going to be one of the highlights of our time there. It is the kind of thing that our family really likes. If you’ve seen our gardens then you understand our passion for plants. Kew is a great mixture of history and horticulture.

The instagram countdowns have been a great way to document the hard work and fun.

On T mine 15 days we wrote thank you cards. We have had some very generous supporters to thank. We also took some time with friends to get an idea of things we could do. We will definitely be visiting Even Song at West Monster Abbey!

At 14 d.t.w.l. we had to get our Yellow Fever shots. We aren’t all pros at needles yet and there was lots of bargaining, anger, and apologies. Eventually after 2.5 hours we all had our shots and documentation so we can enter any yellow fever zones.

On day 13 we did some deep cleaning and much needed repair work. The washing machine cold water inlet valve has been leaking for a few months so I swapped that out. It was one of those repairs that is so easy I regret not getting it done earlier.

We also said goodbye to our Mazda 5 van of 10 years. She was named Melissa after an instructor that came to the girls gym classes when they we tiny kids. I have no idea who she is or how the name stuck but for 10 years we called that van Melissa. 🤷‍♀️ We took her to school everyday and she drove as far West as Essex and as far East as Cathedral Grove on Vancouver.

With 12 days remaining until we left we took a day with Grandma and Grandpa Dombrosky to Elk Island National Park. It is just a quick 50 minute car ride East of Edmonton.

We’re trying to get lots of hiking in as we prepare to make walking our main form of transportation. In the coming weeks you’ll see lots of pictures of us getting our steps in.

My favourite activity for this day was by far making panini sandwiches over the camp fire. Crispy sandwich shell with steamy-melty-gooeyness on the inside. Don’t skimp on the kewpie mayonnaise for these sandwiches.

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