I Quit

As we prepared to leave there was a long list of jobs to tackle. One of those lists was things we needed to cancel. We have subscriptions, memberships, and utilities that all had to be cancelled. Quoting these kinds of things can feel pretty good.

The first things I cancelled were the natural gas and electricity. Boy did that make the trip feel real! I thought buying the airplane tickets was a big step. I mean it was. Cancelling these made the commitment feel VERY REAL. Plus there was the excitement of two fewer monthly costs. 

Got to leave the gym membership behind.

The hardest was the family gym membership. When I told the girls their first reaction was a concerned “Why?!”   The gym is where I come most mornings. It is a place of quiet, health, and strength. I value the regular gym goers I see everyday. It is odd how strangers help to keep me coming back. It is also $150 a month for 5 of us so that savings will be appreciated.

I’m a little sad to say goodbye to our internet provider. We were with TekSavvy and the people I talked with were happy to help me cancel services. They are more independent that the other internet providers so I didn’t think I would have troubles. I had to call to cancel within 30 days of the cancellation date. I didn’t think they would give me the run around but the lead up to the cancellation call was a little bit stressful. 


Cellphone bills are gone! Canadian cellular fees are stupid expensive! While we travel I am using a Data provider called Nomad for cellular data. I get 10Gb for 30 days at a cost of $33 CAD and I can always top it up if I need more data. The other concern I had was parking my number so that I didn’t lose it. I have a vanity number that has my name in it and I’ve had it since my first cell phone. I really like it! So I talked with Fido and I’ve switched to a pay as you go plan. 5 months from now I’ll add a few dollars to that account so it is kept open. Then again 5 months after that I’ll add more. All those $$$ will be credited to my account when I return to Canada to take advantage of another expensive Canadian phone plan. Most importantly though is that I will keep my vanity number. 

Amazon Prime-> CANCELLED

The tricky part with changing cellular phone plans is that I had to do it just hours before my flight left. I had multiple reminders set on my calendar! Thankfully the person that I set it up with before hand had left copious notes so the person assisting me knew what to do and how to do it. During the call to cancel there was a tense moment when the call dropped. That was supposed to happen though since I was losing my cellular plan and only retaining data and SMS. Shortly after the call dropped I received a text telling me that everything had gone through fine.

Disney Plus-> Not Cancelled

Gas, Electrical, Water and Waste were all simple enough to cancel. I appreciate the services that are provided but I am happy to be free of the charges. When I looked up the sum of savings on our monthly budget planner it came to around $550 CAD. That can be turned into a lot of pints at the pub. 

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