London Suzuki Group Summer Camp

Last week we applied to attend the London Suzuki Group’s Summer Camp. It is a week long string instrument camp in Bryanston UK. Bryanston is a private school outside of Blandforn forum and West South West of London about 185 km. It runs from August 21st – 28th.

London as a reference for where Bryanston is.
London as a reference for where Bryanston is.

It will easily be the most expensive thing we do on our trip. The cost of $6000 CDN for the week or $170 per person per day. We’ll have to have some time with WorkAway or Wwoofing to help our bank account recharge. We are splurging on top of splurging for the week as we take a trip to Stonehenge on the Wednesday. It is a once in a lifetime thing so we need to do it.

We have applied for a couple of bursaries to help us keep the cost down. One bursary is with LSG and the other is with Suzuki Charter School. We will still have to rent instruments because we are not bringing our violins and the cello along with us on the trip. Bristol violin shop will be there. We’re hoping that we can pick up instruments from them a few weeks before the camp and then return them at the end of the camp at Bryanston. We would rather not have to travel back North to Bristol just to return instruments.

The best part about the LSG summer camp is that it is a week we won’t have to worry about food, lodging, or what to do with the kids. Everything is taken care of for us. I’m considering it a vacation time for me. Also I’ve read that there is cake and coffee to be eaten (by ME).

UPDATE: Madeline and Desmond did receive a bursaries to help with the cost of this Suzuki Institute. On top of that Heather’s Suzuki Piano association is covering come of her cost.

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